PlayStation Discord Partnership Announced by@joseh
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PlayStation Discord Partnership Announced

by JoseMay 19th, 2021
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Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) announced that PlayStation and Discord have formed a partnership. Jim Ryan, President and CEO of SIE, said that the SIE has made a “minor investment as part of Discord’s Series H round.” The SIE also announced that the company is working to bring the Discord and PlayStation experiences closer together on console and mobile starting early next year. It's big news for one of the most popular communicating services to team up with a video game company. Microsoft was in talks with Discord to buy the company for $10 billion earlier this year.

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For many years now, Discord has been the go-to for voice chatting and online communication, especially for people into gaming. Content creators use it, and even companies use it to communicate with colleagues.

With how popular it has become, many wondered if it would ever get full integration with consoles. Well, it seems that possibility is closer than we’ve thought. 

PlayStation Discord Partnership Details

In a blog post, Jim Ryan, President and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE), announced that PlayStation and Discord have formed a partnership. He goes on to say that the SIE has made a “minor investment as part of Discord’s Series H round.”

Although we don’t know in full terms what this means for PlayStation and Discord, we do get a glimpse of what it could mean. 

In the post, Ryan also says,

“Together, our teams are already hard at work connecting Discord with your social and gaming experience on PlayStation Network. Our goal is to bring the Discord and PlayStation experiences closer together on console and mobile starting early next year…”

Whether this means an official Discord app on PlayStation consoles, or something more minor, remains to be seen. But it’s big news for one of the most popular communicating services to team up with a video game company. 

3 years ago, Discord and Xbox worked together to allow users to link their Discord and Xbox accounts. Meaning that when you were online playing video games, your Discord friends would be able to see what you were playing.

But this was called a “collaboration” and a “team-up”, much different than an investment and announcing a “partnership”. It should also be noted that it was reported Microsoft was in talks with Discord to buy the company for $10 billion earlier this year, a deal Discord clearly declined. 

We’re excited to see what a PlayStation and Discord partnership could mean for either company, and we can’t wait for more news to release. 

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