No Bullsh** Guide to Start a Money Making Blog in 10 Minutesby@sachinbaheti
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No Bullsh** Guide to Start a Money Making Blog in 10 Minutes

by SachinMay 7th, 2020
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People are making $2000-$12,0000 (Rs.1,70,000 — Rs.8,40,000) every month. Google pays about $1 for every 1000 views and Google pays $1 per 1000 views. Bloggers are earning atleast $4700 every month! That is almost Rs.3,38,000. Pick a topic you know enough to write about and you are passionate about. Pick a theme for your blog. Pick your own domain name. Choose a strong password. Choose the domain privacy.

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Be it for your passion for writing or to help generate an extra income, blogging is your one stop solution.

This is a no bullsh** guide for the serious ones.

It doesn’t involve you to code or to worry about technicals.

It is an out of the box, ready to go live package.

There are tonnes of ways you can make money with your blog.

but we are going to cover top 2 with which people are making $2000-$12,0000 (Rs.1,70,000 — Rs.8,40,000) EVERY MONTH!

Let’s get started.

Pick a topic

A focused approach is always a fruitful approach.

Be it in education or career, people pick a field and they learn and specialise in it.

You would agree that if you can specialize in something, your expertise pays off.

Its the same with a blog. Key is to specialize in a Niche.

This is where you need to pick a topic you know enough to write about and you are passionate about.

It can be anything. Food, pets, music, gym, tech, tv shows, I can keep going.

If you can imagine it, there is a demand for it.

And where there is a demand, their lies money.

For example, one of our student was interested in ‘Mehndi designs’ (Indian tradition Henna Tattoo) blog.

You would be surprised to know that every month, 34 lac people in India searches for it:

Another similar search is ‘designer mehndi’, every month, 75 lac people in India searches for it:

Alright, but what does it have to do with our blog? Here’s what.

If you would have an interest in something like Mehndi and you would have a blog writing about it,

You would be getting 47 lac people every month on your blog!

This website is getting it:

Not only are they getting these many people, but with that kind of traffic, they are earning a lot!

You would know, Google pays about $1 for every 1000 views.

For 47 lac, they are earning atleast $4700 every month! That is almost Rs.3,38,000.

So, pick a topic, something you are passionate about.

Get Space Online

Now that you have decided what your blog will be about,

Its time you get yourself a branded website.

We are going to make this process very simple for you.

Think of this as a getting yourself a space on the internet.

You just need 2 things for that. A small monthly rent and a name.

Step 1: Get yourself some space — Visit this page (offer applied)

Step 2: Select a plan.

For just about Rs.200 a month, you will have yourself your own website!

Its cheaper than Netflix!

Step 3: Domain = website link.

You get a free domain with our link!

In the ‘create a domain’, add your desired domain name.

Step 4: Configure your purchase

You can uncheck all the other options as they are not required.

Ideally, the details of domain owner are available for everyone on the internet.

However, if you’d like these details to be private, you should select the domain privacy.

Step 5: Enter your card details in the secure checkout and complete purchase.

Step 6: Choose a password

Disclaimer: Make sure to choose a strong password

Step 7: On the choose theme menu,

Click ‘Skip this step’ as we will cover it later.

…and you are done!

Click ‘Start building’ and you’ll land on your own website control center!

This is a start of something great. You now have yourself an online space for yourself.

Configuring your blog

Once you click ‘Start Building’, you’ll land on a screen like this one:

You must be wondering, what is this ‘WordPress’? (if you haven’t heard of it before)

For facts, 80% of the internet websites are built on WordPress. Its an amazing technology.

The screen that we are on now, the ‘Control center’ is widely known as ‘Dashboard’.

This is where you control your website appearance.

Step 1: Theme

The theme is the most vital part of your WordPress blog. There are millions of theme available on the internet.

For a starter blog, the latest ‘Twenty twenty’ theme is great.

However, if you are not a fan of that, you can click ‘Add new theme’

and search for ‘blog’.

You can browse them, preview them and pick the one you like.

Once you are sure, click ‘Install’ and then ‘Activate’ the theme.

Once activated, the colors and settings will be made according to the theme.

You can hover over your website name and click ‘Visit Website’ to see how it looks.

Step 2: Install Plugins

Think of plugins as ‘Settings’ option in your phone.

For example, ‘Plugins’ here means an ‘App’. For any requirement you may have, there is a plugin for that.

Just like you install an app in your phone to make your life easy, you can install a plugin to make your website better.

Hover on Plugins and click ‘Add new’

We have to install a plugin called ‘Elementor’

This will now make your website into a ‘Drag and Drop’ website.

You can simply add an image, text, gallery or whatever you like to your website by simply dragging and dropping.

Step 3: Write

This is your space now, you can start writing about what inspires you and what you are passionate about.

Click ‘All posts’ and ‘Add New’.

It’s really that easy now! That’s all the setup you needed to do.

Now you have to just take care of writing.

Simply write about what you like and share it on social media with your family, friends, colleagues and ask them to spread the word.

Make Money with your Blog

Now that every thing is setup.

Let’s introduce you to the 2 best options to make great money!

Option 1 — Amazon Affiliates

Amazon is India’s #1 e-commerce company and it’s no secret that everyone buys from it.

But did you know that you can make tonnes of money with Amazon by promoting it on your blog.

Yes! If you help Amazon get a sale from your blog, they’ll pay you.

For example, let’s continue with the ‘Mehndi designs’ example.

If the website have an Amazon link to ‘buy Mehndi’, to suppose this page:

If for example, out of the 47 lac monthly visitors, just 1% choose to visit the page and purchase which is 47,000.

Amazon would pay 10% on the sale, assuming those people bought the one for Rs.148, for every sale, your website would get, Rs.14.

Therefore, for 47,000 purchasers,

47,000*14= Rs.6,58,000 every month!

You can do this for a pet blog, a food blog, a fitness blog as Amazon offers all sorts of products you can promote.

Registering on Amazon affiliate is free, you can do it here.

Simply fill in your details and you will be able to create your unique links like this one.

You can do it for any page or product.

Once you have these links, you can add links in your Blog to Amazon.

and you are set!

Option 2 — Google Adsense

Once your website is set and getting a few visitors, you’ll be able to add Google ads to your website.

Sign up for an Adsense account here.

Once done, you can create Ad codes which can now display in your website.

Simply install a new plugin called ‘Ad Inserter — Ad Manager & AdSense Ads’

Once done, you can paste the code you have got from Google Adsense in the Ad sections in the plugin.

This is the last piece of the puzzle.

Once setup, you’ll have additional money flowing in via Google Ads!

This is the end to the No Bulls**t guide to creating a money making blog.

By now, you have enough knowledge to create a solid blog which can make money out of the box!

We are here to answer any questions you may have.

Feel free to drop your query in the comments and we will help you resolve it.