Living with workaholic fear is for chumps

Written by sparkszilla | Published 2017/06/11
Tech Story Tags: life | startup | entrepreneurship | life-lessons

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I am deathly afraid of finding myself having reached old age as little else other than a passenger through life and a critic of a world begging to play. The albatross of invention is almost certainly how much time inventors spend inside their heads living in worlds that don’t exist. I’m afraid if I don’t work hard enough I’ll be stuck here — as a passenger and a critic — drowning in a sea of dreams that never got to grow up into art.

This is an awful way to live. It makes choosing to lose myself in the world of Zelda on a Sunday afternoon or enjoying time with friends, BBQ, and beer on a Saturday feel like I’m somehow auctioning off the future for fun. And you know what? Maybe I am. But I also might get hit by a truck on Monday and never get to see the fruit of all my labor.

I not only find it hard to believe that neglecting your family and health is necessary to succeed at creating something durable, I think it’s worth the risk to prove whether another path exists or not.

So, I’m going to put in a god’s honest day of work each day to build some things I think we’d all really benefit from, use the weekends however I please, and spend time with people I love. Maybe I’ll change my mind down the road because this will yield poor results, but I’m betting it won’t.

🎉 🍻 ❤️ — Andy

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Published by HackerNoon on 2017/06/11