How to Ensure Optimal Results Using SMS Notifications

Written by plivo | Published 2022/04/05
Tech Story Tags: plivo | sms | sms-api | communication | best-practices | sms-marketing-best-practices | sms-notifications | good-company

TLDRAccording to Techjury, SMS messages have a 98% open rate, 60% of people read text messages within 5 minutes after receiving them. Plivo sends out billions of SMS messages every year on behalf of our customers. Here are some tips that can help your business use SMS messaging more effectively. Use a single platform to manage all your communication channels. Personalizing your messages lets you build deeper relationships with customers and treat them as unique individuals. Use your subscribers’ names, and keep the customer benefit front and center of the message.via the TL;DR App

Plivo sends out billions of SMS messages every year on behalf of our customers, so we’ve learned a few things along the way about best practices for sending SMS notifications. Here are some tips that can help your business use messaging more effectively.

Do you need convincing that SMS is the best communications channel for sending notifications to customers? According to Techjury, SMS messages have a 98% open rate, and 60% of people read text messages within 5 minutes after receiving them. And since almost 4 billion people worldwide own smartphones, you can send SMS messages to just about anyone — and do it cost-effectively. Alternatives like email, postal mail, and voice calling cost more and lack the reach, ease of use, and immediacy of SMS.

Maybe you already use SMS for some use cases — reminders or delivery alerts, maybe. You can leverage your investment in SMS messaging by doing more with it: offering event notifications or collecting customer feedback, for instance. Here are some other best practices for using our SMS API to consider.

Get Permission

First, before you start sending messages willy-nilly, make sure you have permission to contact recipients. Thanks to privacy regulations such as the GDPR and CCPA, businesses need consumers to opt into being contacted. Organizations that fail to get permission may be subject to heavy fines.

Time Your Sends

Think about the optimal time to send your messages. Aim for times when your customers are likely to read them and take advantage of what you have to say. For example, if you’re a restaurant offering a lunchtime discount, schedule your texts for the midmorning, so that your offers will be on your customers’ minds when they’re making lunch plans.

Personalize Your Message

Personalizing your messages lets you build deeper relationships with customers and treat them as unique individuals. Use your subscribers’ names, and keep the customer benefit front and center of the message.

Measure Your Results

Don’t just send out messages and hope for the best. You should have a plan to track and measure your efforts in place before you send your first message. Consider not only open and response rates, but also things like list growth rate, acquisition cost per recipient, and return on investment.

Consolidate Your Infrastructure

Use a single platform to manage all your communication channels. A single platform takes less training, speeds up your time to market, and takes fewer resources and less time to maintain.

Prioritize Deliverability

To be effective, SMS messaging should be timely — received as quickly as they’re sent —  and reliable — there’s no point in sending out messages that people can’t receive. But if your SMS messages can’t make it through, have a backup plan. Voice messaging offers an alternative to SMS for when your message absolutely, positively has to be there right away.

Get the Guide

We go into more depth on these and other points in a best practices guide. Download it for free, or sign up for a free Plivo trial account and see how we let businesses take advantage of SMS messaging.

Written by plivo | Plivo — Enterprise-grade cloud communications stack for your business.
Published by HackerNoon on 2022/04/05