10 Strategic Investment Questions Angels ask prospective founders:

Written by sobedih | Published 2016/01/10
Tech Story Tags: startup | venture-capital | angel-investors

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10 Strategic Investment Questions Angels ask prospective founders:

Pitching to investors is a daunting experience and more often than not ,the investor wants to know more about the person than the product . Here are some of the questions that you should practice to answer before you walk into any pitching session irrespective of your geographical location or whether you are pitching for $10000 or $10M .

  • Do you or anyone on your team have any previous experience in this field ?
  • Have you failed or succeeded before ? What did you learn from these experiences ?
  • Why are you the best person to deliver this product to market ?
  • What is your pain threshold ie how far are you willing to go to succeed ?
  • Who else is doing this and why now?
  • Where do you see this company in 5 years time ?
  • Who else is on your team and why should people join your revolution ?
  • What motivates you both personally and professionally ?
  • Why would you take investment from us? Who else is your preferred investor?
  • How well do you know this market ?

This is not an exhaustive list but it encapsulates everything an angel should know about a prospective investee to decide whether to go further and dig deeper. Most Angels follow their gut instincts but they also ask qualifying questions about the person and the company that they are about to invest in .

Feel free to add more questions in the comments below .

This is part of our 2016 educational series of blog posts designed to demystify the process of #HowtoPitchtoInvestors .

Our friends at Startupmanufactory have also put together a more detailed list ,check it out here

Published by HackerNoon on 2016/01/10