HubSpot Salesforce Integration: Pros and Consby@Tyler-Boykin
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HubSpot Salesforce Integration: Pros and Cons

by Tyler BoykinJune 24th, 2020
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HubSpot Salesforce Integration: Pros and Cons: Integrating HubSpot with Salesforce to easily, securely and effectively integrate the two databases. HubSpot integration is easy, fast phone-based setup process. The standard setup between HubSpot and Salesforce is to make new HubSpot contacts leads in Salesforce. When a Salesforce opportunity is gained, HubSpot's Lifecycle stage becomes a client. It progresses through its Lifecycle Stage-based sales and marketing process. The Lead is a Contact after a salesperson engages with the Lead and recommends him or her, usually with an related opportunity.

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HubSpot Salesforce integration proofs itself like a very powerful solution. You may already have Salesforce Integration Services installed and educated your sales department on the platform, however now you want to utilize HubSpot strengths and opportunities for your marketing department. Solution helps you to start using Salesforce and bring your marketing strategy in place.

Managing different systems is a headache. Sales professionals are almost certain to choose to continue logging all Salesforce contact details. Likewise, most marketing people I know would like to have an all-in-one marketing system like HubSpot and not have to handle over one site.

Even though HubSpot and Salesforce may function together as a team, you should note a few key specifics. All HubSpot contacts are only contacts, while Salesforce features leads and contacts. Once a Contact is first generated in HubSpot, either uploaded or converted to an online form, the Contact is in its final position. It progresses through its Lifecycle Stage-based sales and marketing process.

The Lead is a Contact after a salesperson engages with the Lead and recommends him or her, usually with an related opportunity. The standard setup between HubSpot and Salesforce is to make new HubSpot contacts leads in Salesforce. When a Salesforce opportunity is gained, HubSpot 's Lifecycle stage becomes a client.

HubSpot Integration Benefits

  1. Sync HubSpot with Salesforce to easily, securely and effectively integrate the two databases. No technical installation needed. Keep your marketing and sales databases harmonious.
  2. Arrange in minutes – no technical knowledge required. Starting with HubSpot-Salesforce integration is easy, fast phone-based setup process. Moreover, HubSpot hires a development department and support staff to manage and develop the integration.
  3. Send valuable sales team lead intelligence toy your stuff. Choose which new records sync from HubSpot to Salesforce and when and automatically send important lead intelligence to your sales team to help them close more deals. Send HubSpot lead scores to Salesforce to help your sales team prioritize and save time.
  4. Close the marketing-sales loop. Use Salesforce contacts or accounts information to configure marketing communications, segment the database, or send emails to a lead assigned sales rep. You'll never have to export a list from Salesforce to kick off a campaign, or import the response from the campaign back to Salesforce.

6 HubSpot Salesforce Integration Limitations

Tension naturally exists between sales and marketing teams. This point of contention limits the efficacy of overall business growth, which holds back the entire enterprise. Nevertheless, when marketing automation technologies emerged — and organizations like HubSpot and Salesforce started to integrate.

HubSpot and Salesforce Integration Services limits.

  1. Mismatch Naming Convention. A person is usually referred to as a "contact" and has a "contact record" anywhere they are in the sales process — i.e. as soon as someone purchases a piece of content or fills out a form, HubSpot produces a contact record. But, Salesforce has both "leads" and "contact" records, meaning different things depending on the Salesforce advanced setup.
  2. Confusion program. Talking of various definitions, a "campaign" within the two networks is completely different. A HubSpot program is asset selection. Reports can be created showing the contacts with which campaigns. Salesforce sees campaigns as contact lists. Reports show who is connected to an asset and can be used to drive campaigns or create segments in data. Salesforce campaigns can’t be automatically added to HubSpot (added manually beforehand).
  3. It's not an equal data exchange. When you start talking about integration, it's easy to imagine merging two things into one. However,
    not everything HubSpot can enter into Salesforce in a technical integration, and vice versa. Similar to mismatched language, make sure you know what data matters most to you before you start integration. Then check if it will be exchanged between the two systems ... and how, including whether it's a one-way or two-way sync. What matters most to you might not be part of a typical integration.
  4. Integration Problems will establish data integrity. Once you unite two systems, like when integrating HubSpot Salesforce, you introduce
    yourself (and your organization) to a myriad of data nightmare possibilities. Most likely, it is duplicate records. HubSpot looks for matching email addresses, which means that if the email address already exists, a new contact will not be created. Salesforce isn't that easy. Rules must be set or add-ons used to prevent duplicate records.
  5. Integration Can’t Translate Platform Lists. Segmentation is key to effective lead nutrition, and lists can be a very important part of
    your process. HubSpot users create lists with well-defined criteria to segment leads, and Salesforce users make lists with reports. If HubSpot and Salesforce users need to have the same lists available, they will need to be created independently using the same underlying criteria.
  6. Restricted skills: Workflows and Salesforce activities. Using HubSpot, building workflows will automate several different processes.

Software Integrations can't replace traditional sales and marketing coordination. If your teams aren't willing to adjust how you use Salesforce and HubSpot, effective integration is almost impossible. There is no
technology to replace a well-defined, proven marketing and sales playbook.

If you haven't invested time building systems for your sales and marketing activities, technology can't save you. Before implementing marketing automation or CRM, or even integrating HubSpot Salesforce, invest in building a process that aligns your marketing and sales teams to drive revenue.

Programmers leverage deep understanding of Salesforce and HubSpot code structure to build new triggers and implement marketing techniques to optimize operations. They use the client environment to develop custom integrations, including using Salesforce Lightning framework to create job schedulers.

Developers successfully combined Salesforce and HubSpot by detecting any mistakes that existed, and allowed Salesforce platform's ability to access additional functionality for a wider CRM experience.

Finally, this process enabled the consumer to manage an intuitive CRM database of global connections and private client lists, keeping B2C, C2C, and B2B exchanges running.