How the Parts Fit Together in Web Development: A Guide for Beginnersby@aeliusventure
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How the Parts Fit Together in Web Development: A Guide for Beginners

by Aelius VentureMarch 26th, 2022
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The number of internet users worldwide has risen to 4.66 billion as of 2021. Jobs for Web Developers will rise 13% between now and 2028. Back-end developers work on the user-facing side of websites, applications, or software. Full-stack developers operate on all sides of a site from start to end. Mobile developers specialize in creating software programs that operate locally on a web browser rather than on the internet rather than an application that operates on the web instead of the internet.

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When it comes to learning web development, it’s like sipping from a fire hose! You’ve opened the floodgates by searching for code on Google.  This tutorial is intended to introduce you to how the world of web development works gradually so that you get familiar with it and interested in it.

What Exactly Is Web Development?

Work that goes into developing a website is known as Website Development (or Web Development). This applies to anything from establishing a simple plain-text webpage to creating a sophisticated online application or social network.

Web development encompasses all associated development activities, such as client-side scripting, server-side scripting, server, and network security setup, e-commerce development, and content management system (CMS) development, in addition to web markup and code.

What Is the Significance of Web Development?

As a business owner, you may be looking to hire an independent developer to construct your website, or as a marketer selling a concept to your development team. However, you came upon this tutorial, learning the basics of website building may be quite beneficial in today’s technology-driven world.

The internet is here to stay. They have evolved into an important tool for research, communication, education, as well as entertainment across the world. The number of internet users worldwide has risen to 4.66 billion as of 2021. That equates to more than half of the world’s population, and these people use the internet for a wide range of purposes.

Is there a commonality between all of these factors? They must have a website, and each website requires a well-versed web developer.

Web development is also a rapidly growing field. Jobs for Web Developers will rise 13% between now and 2028. Compared to most other technological jobs, that’s a very quick turnaround.

Web Development Types

Becoming or hiring a web developer requires understanding the many forms of web development.

It’s important to note that when we talk about the many forms of web development, we’re referring to the numerous professions in which web developers might work. Some of these characteristics overlap, and web developers are frequently able to learn numerous forms of web development at the same time.

Front-end Development

Developers who work on the user-facing side of websites, applications, or software are known as front-end developers. In other words, they work on what users see. It is their responsibility to design and create all visual components of the site including the layout, navigation, graphics, and other aspects.

In addition to building interfaces that assist users with achieving their goals, these developers are typically involved in the user experience element of their projects. Front-end developers that have a background in user experience are better familiar with end-users.

Back-end Development

Users see the front-end, but they don’t see the back-end. In the background, back-end web developers work on the servers of websites, applications, and software to ensure that everything is working as it should.

Some of these developers work on systems such as servers, operating systems (OS), APIs (application programming interfaces), and databases. To offer their products to people, they cooperate with front-end developers.

Full Stack Web Development

Website front-end and back-end developers are known as full-stack developers since they operate on all sides of a site. From start to end, they may develop a website, application, or software program. This refers to the multiple technologies that manage distinct functions on the same website, such as the server, interface, and other components.

Since full-stack developers require years of expertise in the area, this position is highly sought after. It helps them enhance performance, detect issues before they arise, and help other team members comprehend different areas of a web service because of their all-encompassing expertise.

Web Development

Front-end, back-end, and full-stack developers are all types of website developers. Instead of mobile applications or desktop software or video games, these experts concentrate on the creation of websites.

Desktop Development

They specialize in creating software programs that operate locally on your device, instead of remotely via a web browser, rather than over the internet. When an application may operate both online and offline, these developers’ skillsets overlap with those of web developers.

Mobile Development

Applications for mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, are developed by mobile developers. Because mobile applications differ from conventional websites and software programs, they require a unique set of development abilities and understanding of specific programming languages.

Game Development

This specialization overlaps with mobile development in that game developers write code for video games, including console games (Xbox, PlayStation, etc.).

The skillset of a game developer on the other hand is different.

Embedded Development

When developing embedded software, embedded developers work with various types of devices that aren’t computers. This category includes electronic interfaces, consumer electronics, Internet of Things devices, real-time systems, and other products.

Smart appliances, Bluetooth technologies, and virtual assistants all show that embedded development is becoming more popular as the number of networked devices rises.

Security Development

Methods and processes for the security of a software application or website are established by security developers. These programmers are usually ethical hackers who strive to “break” websites to disclose flaws without causing harm. They also develop technologies that detect and eliminate security threats.

Once you’ve decided to develop a website or web application, some particular phases and processes must be followed, just like any other building job. It’s critical to follow this procedure step by step, since missing a single detail might lead to a slew of unexpected issues later on in the web development process.

Let’s look at the step by step guide of how web development works:

Step 1: Collect Data for Web Development

When starting a web development project, the first step is to acquire all of the needed data. To put it simply, this creates a solid foundation for the remainder of the process to follow.

To achieve this well, you must first determine the development’s objectives. Based on your goals, you may perform a business analysis to obtain detailed information about your goods and rivals, as well as on the industry as a whole that you are targeting.

It is possible to start planning your development or to give this information to the person who will be in charge of the planning phase after you have gathered this information (such as product components, competition features, and industry demand).

Step 2: Create a Strategy for Web Development

Most importantly, it’s time to get started!

‘Failing to plan is intending to fail,’ as Benjamin Franklin famously remarked. When it comes to web development, this is even more true than usual.

There’s nothing like a little planning to make sure that everything is on track. For example, distinct sections for design, content, and programming would be necessary for the material to be properly organized. It’s time to start drafting an individual strategy for each of the key teams to go forward after this is sorted out.

With this phase, we at Aelius Venture create technical standards that programmers may follow. To make sure the design team is aware of all pages and features that need to be designed, we strip down the specs for them.

As a result of this, the development team may begin working on the system’s bare-bones logic while employing a fully clean design. The designers will then have more time to fine-tune the final design before it is deployed.

It’s possible that the programming team won’t be engaged until later in the project if it isn’t technically demanding and only requires design and content. Rather, the design and content teams will collaborate to create the design and material that the programmers will use.

Step 3: Implementation and Development

Three different phases are often included here: one for design and programming and a third to add content. To do so, however, would not only add to the project’s delivery time, but it would also require teams to wait for the delivery of resources from other teams before they can advance.

To be able to complete these three phases in the same procedure, you must be able to properly plan the second step of the process. This will allow every one of your teams to start working at the same time, which can result in them being able to support each other because they are all working with the same attitude.

3.1 Layout

Design is the initial phase in the production process by default; without layout, any programming or content development would be sloppy.

Wireframes for the website should be created as the first stage in the design process. Wireframes illustrate how items should be placed on a page and serve as a foundation for the final designs that will be created. The design team needs to conduct research throughout the wireframing process, looking at what your top rivals are doing and finding out what works. As a result, these components will be incorporated into pages that have previously been agreed upon with the project management team.

Following the completion of the wireframes and the structure of the site, the design team may begin working on particular aspects of the design, such as text, buttons, and pictures, to show the project team and client what the final product will look like.

3.2 Programming

The programming step might begin without the design phase when building technically complex web projects. In part, this is because sophisticated logic may be created without knowing how it would be shown to visitors on a site’s main page. Parallel to designing, functional, or system development allows for more efficient use of your team’s work while also reducing the total project timeline.

Programming will begin only after the design phase of the implementation has been finished if there is no difficult logic or functionality to be built, or if you are utilizing an existing system that does not require any new logic to be added to it. As a result, the programming team will only be involved in the development process once the final designs have been approved.

3.3 Creating Content for Web Development

Content creation is the third step in the implementation process.

When the client approves the designs, the content creation may begin (whether an internal stakeholder or customer). Because of this, the content team can focus their writing efforts on filling the designs rather than having to redo any writing done before the designs are complete.

However, this does not mean that the content team should do nothing while waiting for designs to arrive. They can use this time to investigate the topic matter they’ll be writing about, as well as analyze any key industry rivals to ensure that the material is produced and optimized in the industry’s tone and language.

Step 4: Validation

A staging environment is usually created once the three phases of implementation have been finished. As closely as possible, a staging environment replicates the actual operation of a business, but without allowing access to all internet users.

In most cases, while creating web applications, the development business does many testing cycles in the staging environment before granting access to the ordering customer. Before the app is tested by the customer, these rounds are meant to catch all serious issues.

Functional testing and design testing are the two types of testing that are often done at this phase. The design testing is done in the early phases of testing to confirm that the design is acceptable before moving forward. Upon completion of the general design testing and client approval, the finished product is ready to be given to the client for any last comments or questions. This is followed by a far more intensive design testing phase, which involves reviewing exact designs to ensure they match the original ideas supplied to the programming team.

Functional testing changes the intensity of testing. The functional testing is done in a more relaxed manner once the functionality has been authorized. This is done to simulate what real users would see on the website.

Less intensive tests have shown to be more effective in finding usability problems.

Step 5: Make the Website Live

These last stages should be easy and stress-free, assuming the preceding steps have been completed correctly. You should have a well-written web project that looks great and works well that’s all set to go.

Because the live environment for hosting the project should already be set up and ready for them to simply install the application, the only team participating in the technical aspect of the launch will be your development team.

It’s important to launch the live version at least a day before the project goes live if you’ve publicized the day and time in advance. This gives you ample time to make any necessary small changes to the design or text, as well as giving the development team enough time to address any bugs before the site goes live.


The website launch is only the beginning of the web development team’s responsibilities. Until the web project is shut down or someone else is hired to take over from you, you will be held responsible for any code that is used to run the web project.

If you want the project to function as smoothly as possible, you’ll need to constantly maintain and update it. This way you can monitor the project’s success and provide ideas based on site usage, which might lead to more development work on the project for your customer.

Originally published here

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