How HR Managers Can Engage a Multi-Generational Workforce?by@amit

How HR Managers Can Engage a Multi-Generational Workforce?

by Amit KumarNovember 11th, 2021
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A recent survey stated that some of the common expectations that millennials have at work are faster growth, instant feedback, and unhindered professional improvement. The expectations of other generations from their work can be starkly different from millennials. One characteristic that truly distinguishes today’s employees from old generations is the understanding of and alignment with modern technologies. To understand different generations of employees, HRs should be dynamic in the way they think, feel, and connect with them. HRs need to shift to mentoring as well as empowering them.

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Today, companies across India have five generations of employees working shoulder to shoulder. Of these five generations, the majority of the workforce includes millennials. Need to mention, several studies have even revealed that millennials will constitute 50% of the world’s population in the future. 

So, it is clear that it is no longer desirable but imperative for companies to brainstorm on a few effective ways to integrate different generations at work. However, it is not as easy as it sounds. To kick-start any such intervention is to understand what exactly every generation wants. Say, for instance, a recent survey stated that some of the common expectations that millennials have at work are faster growth, instant feedback, and unhindered professional improvement.

Now, the expectations of other generations from their work can be starkly different from millennials. Also, it is a common myth that Gen X is more likely to switch jobs earlier than other generations. But stats show that the first-year churn rate to be 61% for millennials, 63% for Gen X, and 56% for Baby boomers. Now, one of the answers to this problem is not treating new-gen differently but finding the best job fit for them, which will eventually lead to a lower turnover rate. 

All that said, one characteristic that truly distinguishes today’s employees from old generations is the understanding of and alignment with modern technologies. Having grown up in a world where technology supports every aspect of life, employees in today’s time are not just naturally equipped to leverage technology effectively but also adapt to its ever-evolving nature.

Let’s face it, the new generation nowadays: 

  • Is always online
  • Requires the flexibility to define work hours/locations
  • Doesn’t consider work as a job but a set of tasks and projects 

So, to engage such multi-generational employees, companies should rely on the right technologies such as HR software. Such systems not just simplify routine operations for HR managers but also empower employees to a greater extent.

Take a look at the top five ways HR management solutions can help you manage as well as engage your multi-generational workforce: 

Streamlines Employee Onboarding: 70 percent of employees that acquire satisfactory onboarding experience stay with the company for more than 3 years. Now, HR software is an efficient tool to enhance the onboarding experience for employees. It allows employees to complete their paperwork on their own. HR managers, on the other hand, can save a large chunk of time to focus on crafting more strategic plans for engaging new employees. 

Promotes Collaboration: Gauging the happiness quotient of new-gen employees is another challenge. Fortunately, top-notch HR solutions such as HROne offer several collaborative tools such as moodbots, badges, and much more. Using such systems, companies can even promptly reward and recognize employees. 

Increases Transparency: Providing transparency is a must in today’s generation. Giving access to crucial information related to compensation, employer contributions, and retirement benefits using HRMS will act as a reminder for employees about the commitment of their company. 

Empowers Employees: Carrying out vital processes in just a few clicks is no longer a luxury but an expectation at present. That being said, HR systems with mobile applications not just help employees to stay connected with their team members but also manage various tasks without having to disturb anyone. 

Offers Real-Time Feedback: HR management software also provides surveys, agile performance reviews, and much more. All these features help employees to acquire unbiased feedback in a timely manner. 

Now that you know HR software advantages and how it helps companies to easily manage multi-generational workforces, here are five things every HR executive must do while managing multi-generational employees: 

Be Their Support System: When it comes to providing back-end support, HR professionals need to be quick. Only then would employees feel connected along the way. Especially, offering continuous support and definitive employee experience is acutely important during this pandemic. To understand different generations of employees, HRs should be dynamic in the way they think, feel, and connect with them. 

Be a Good Leader: Gone are the days when monitoring employees 24x7 was the definition of leadership. With a multi-generational workforce, HRs need to shift to mentoring as well as empowering them. For that, they should primarily empower their managers, so that they can guide their reportees on the right track. 

Use New Methods: It is high time for HR departments to leave behind those old ways/methods of engaging employees. HRs should be proactive and find new and unique ways to improve employee engagement. Till they find the right method, HRs should keep their search on and continue experimenting. 

Adopt New Metrics for New Working Styles: Given that a good number of millennials want flexibility as well as autonomy with their work, it is essential for HR departments to redesign their performance metrics accordingly. It may sound tedious but if done, it can do wonders in terms of employee engagement. So, HR managers should take a step ahead and collaborate with their heads and come up with an organizationally accepted agreement regarding the metrics. 

Use The Right People Analytics: It is also equally important to build internal muscle and imbibe a data-minded approach for every operation. This in turn will help HR executives to acquire unique insights for multi-generational employees and then deliver the right experience to each one of them. Now, this is not possible without the right HR software. So, keep abreast of the latest HR system in the Indian market that can make people's analytics super easy in the long run. 

We have come to the conclusion that managing a multi-generational workforce not just requires a cultural transformation but also needs some out-of-the-box thinking. Not to forget, the use of the right HR technology and the complete contribution of HR professionals can make the whole process easy and smooth. 

It is, therefore, necessary for every HR professional out there to get acquainted with some of the key knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will help them to manage and engage different generations of employees at the same time.