How Do Social Media Apps Impact Your Psyche?by@aeliusventure

How Do Social Media Apps Impact Your Psyche?

by Aelius VentureMarch 28th, 2022
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By providing a broad supply of internet information and leveraging our drive for social approval, social media apps dominate app usage. As part of our research, we spoke with smartphone users to find out how they use social media programs and what features appeal to various ages. A new Snapchat or Instagram follower notification may instantly capture your attention, no matter what you’re doing, since frequent users of social media applications are well aware of its addictive nature. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media applications occupy the majority of smartphone users’ time.  Almost 40% of smartphone owners use social networking applications regularly. As a result, this is approximately four times higher than the next two most popular categories: gaming applications and communication/messaging apps. To discover more about how social media apps work, we polled smartphone owners who use at least three different apps regularly to find out: The way individuals use social networking applications. Why do users return to social media apps because of their features and designs? We help your company discover why social media applications are popular and offer ideas on how to duplicate that success in your app through our survey.

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Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

By providing a broad supply of internet information and leveraging our drive for social approval, social media apps dominate app usage.

As part of our research, we spoke with smartphone users to find out how they use social media programs and what features appeal to various ages.

A new Snapchat or Instagram follower notification may instantly capture your attention, no matter what you’re doing, since frequent users of social media applications are well aware of its addictive nature.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media applications occupy the majority of smartphone users’ time.  Almost 40% of smartphone owners use social networking applications regularly. As a result, this is approximately four times higher than the next two most popular categories: gaming applications and communication/messaging apps.

To discover more about how social media apps work, we polled smartphone owners who use at least three different apps regularly to find out:

  • The way individuals use social networking applications.

  • Why do users return to social media apps because of their features and designs?

We help your company discover why social media applications are popular and offer ideas on how to duplicate that success in your app through our survey.

Outcomes of Social Media Apps

  • With 87 percent of social media app users checking, it at least once each day, Facebook is by far the most popular social media app.

  • More than three times as many Millennials (53%) as Gen Xers (18%) and almost eight times as many baby boomers (7%) use Snapchat every day.

  • More than a third of social media app users (35%) say they spend 10-20 minutes on a social media app after opening it.

  • 70% of social media app users read or watch news articles on social media apps, showing that news consumption has shifted significantly in the past several years.

Social Networking Apps Are Very Addictive

The design of features like push notifications, which feed this addiction, makes social media apps habit-forming.

30% of social media app users (34%) report that they use social media apps all day long instead of only in the mornings or evenings.

The goal of social networking apps is to keep you logged in all day. Just think about how the push notification keeps you continuously informed of what’s happening on social media, even when you’re not using the app.

To stay in touch with your friends and family, you must receive push notifications.

After opening a social media app, users typically utilize it for 10-20 minutes every session. 56% of users claim they open a social networking app more than 10 times each day.

However, how much time you spend on social media apps isn’t necessarily a conscious decision.

As Ian Leslie writes in 1843 Magazine, a publication of The Economist Group, “social-media applications tap into one of our deepest wells of motivation.”

The use of social media apps might cause a chemical alteration in your body.

Social connections, even if they’re stimulated, activate the release of pleasant, habit-forming chemicals in the brain, and other people are the most potent triggers: You and your friends or followers are continuously encouraging each other to use the service for longer,” says Leslie.

It’s not just you if you’re ‘addicted’ to social media apps; they’re designed to keep you coming back for more.

The Features of Social Networking Apps Must Be More Than Just Add-ons

When building a social media app, you could try to mimic the functionality of existing applications. Users, on the other hand, aren’t interested in features that are added to stay up with the competition. They want a genuine experience with platform-specific features.

Snapchat launched its “stories” feature in October 2013, allowing users to post temporary content that is only accessible to their followers for 24 hours. Instagram followed after in August 2016 with its own stories feature, and Facebook followed suit in May 2017.

After Instagram and Snapchat, we discovered that Facebook’s stories feature is the most popular, with a majority (55%) choosing to utilize it above the other two. Because of Facebook’s widespread popularity among our responders, this result is likely biased.

When it comes to genuine interaction with social media applications’ real-time stories feature, Krakauer argues that Snapchat certainly dominates significant usage.

Krakauer believes Snapchat deserves credit for its invention. Users of Snapchat tend to utilize this function more frequently since it’s an intrinsic part of their Snapchat experience, whereas, on a platform like Facebook, it seems like an add-on feature to the Snapchat experience.

There is some evidence to show that adding features to stay up with the competition may not result in the seamless social media experience customers desire.

Among Social Networking Apps, Facebook Is Unrivalled

Facebook is the most popular social networking app in the United States.

At least once a day, over 90% of social media app users check their Facebook accounts.  Instagram is in second place with 49 percent of the vote.

Over the last ten years, Facebook has put a lot of effort into creating an experience where everyone can find value on the network.

As a bonus, Facebook was one of the first major social media sites to acquire popularity, and they collect a lot of information on its users to personalize their experience on Facebook.

The news feed was introduced in 2006, and before that, Facebook only had profiles, which you could visit to read information about a single individual.With the advent of the news feed, everyone’s updates could be viewed in one place.

Before Facebook, other applications such as Flickr and Twitter offered comparable activity streams. As a result of Facebook’s prominence as a leading social media player, the news feed has become a crucial part of the social media experience.

Younger generations, on the other hand, appear to be less reliant on Facebook.

Online Information Is Easily Accessible Through Social Networking Apps

Users of social media apps have access to an almost limitless amount of information. Users are increasingly turning to social media apps to discover information online because of their simplicity of use.

Nearly three-quarters (72%) of social media app users read or watch news items on their devices.

By far the most popular app for consuming news is Facebook, which is over 6 times more popular than the second most popular app, Twitter.

Facebook, on the other hand, made a major algorithm adjustment for its news feed in early 2018, favoring friends and family above third-party publications.

No one knows how this will affect Facebook, but Facebook indeed became a social media powerhouse by presenting itself as an online content curator.

Facebook became important and indispensable to how consumers consume online media by providing a wide range of material, from news to celebrity gossip to family photographs.

Using Social Networking Apps in Everyday Life is Becoming More Common

For every business that wants to develop an app that demands user engagement, understanding how social media apps succeed is essential.

Apps for social media are everywhere: According to our findings, respondents utilize them throughout the day. However, app users spend the majority of their time consuming, enjoying, and favoriting information rather than generating it.

The age of the person influences their social media choices. Baby boomers may remain with more established platforms, blaming developers for a frustrating experience.

However, as demonstrated by Snapchat’s overwhelming popularity among millennials, younger users are more prone to seek more customized and “raw” social media experiences.


Finally, social media apps have mainly succeeded because they have become essential to how people consume various sorts of online information, from postings from friends and family to news.

As much as we may regret the amount of time, we spend hooked to our news feeds, this tendency is certain to continue. Apps for social networking aren’t going anywhere.

The success of social networking applications may be due to the appealing features that stimulate contact and cooperation. Discover must-have social features for your business app to achieve the same level of success.

Originally published here

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