How Bitcoin Futures will Affect BTC’s Priceby@purplesuede22
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How Bitcoin Futures will Affect BTC’s Price

by Jon CreasyDecember 9th, 2017
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<em>Obligatory Disclaimer: To modify a quote from Tim Ferris, “I am NOT a financial advisor, and none of this advice should be taken without speaking to a qualified professional first. Also, my results [are most likely] due to pure luck and zero skill.”</em>

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Obligatory Disclaimer: To modify a quote from Tim Ferris, “I am NOT a financial advisor, and none of this advice should be taken without speaking to a qualified professional first. Also, my results [are most likely] due to pure luck and zero skill.”

Tomorrow evening, Bitcoin futures will be available for investment on Cboe, and the crypto world as we know will never be the same again.

It is no secret to long-time hodlers in the crypto space that Bitcoin’s final boss is Wall Street and the legacy banking system. This is a battle that has been a long time coming, and the investment space is both terrified and incredibly excited to see how things will shake out. Some people believe Wall Street’s only goal is to short Bitcoin and watch their rival go up in flames. But I believe differently.

I’m sure you’ve heard all the analogies comparing Bitcoin to a bubble like the Dot Com Crash, or the Tulip scandal. Most people don’t realize how absurd these comparisons are.

Further, most people have little to no understanding of the implied economics of Bitcoin. There is a limited supply, an exponentially increasing demand (a recent Cambridge study suggests 200 million users by 2024), and more value and security than in the US Dollar’s wildest dreams.

Yes, the media has characterized Wall Street personalities as braggarts who plan to short Bitcoin and watch the crypto world crumble. While those traders will probably make some decent profits from shorting in the very near term, it is more probable that they will be the ones getting burned.

The very announcement that Bitcoin futures were going to be available correlated to a massive growth in the BTC price, as illustrated in a recent Bloomberg article:

To see the full article:

But what if these announcements weren’t actually the cause of the spike, like the media tends to believe? What if Bitcoin is actually becoming mainstream enough to survive on its own? If that’s the case, Wall Street and its legacy bankers are going to realize rather quickly that they’d be fools to short Bitcoin. They’ll realize there is incredible profit to made by supporting Bitcoin.

I believe we will see things unfold like this:

  1. Wall Street starts shorting Bitcoin on Sunday night
  2. Uncle Joe and Aunt Martha move their old stocks into Bitcoin futures, because nephew Timmy is richer than they are from his early Bitcoin investments. They make an insane profit in a few days, leading them to evangelize Bitcoin to their friends and neighbors
  3. #2 repeats on a national level, causing BTC to raise to absurd levels (some people are predicting a steady $20k by the end of the year; others even higher)
  4. Wall Street gets massive FOMO and starts investing in BTC instead of shorting

I believe it is much more likely that we will see an explosion of interest in Bitcoin in the next week or two — unlike anything the financial industry has experienced before. If that happens, do you really think Wall Street will be shorting Bitcoin for long?

I want you to get into Bitcoin. So does the community at large. The next evolution of the financial industry is just around the corner; we’re excited about it and want you along for the journey. I just ask one thing: be an informed investor. Do good research. Understand your personal risk levels. Practice good security. With well-rounded investors, Bitcoin can only continue to flourish.

If you haven’t invested in Bitcoin yet and you want to join the movement, the easiest way to begin is with Coinbase. Get $10 of free Bitcoin when you use this link— it’s my referral link — and get started now!

If you’d like to start using an exchange instead of Coinbase, Binance is a great place to start. Sign up here!