Here's Why You Should Migrate From Wordpress to Webflowby@hppyhour
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Here's Why You Should Migrate From Wordpress to Webflow

by HppyHour DigitalFebruary 17th, 2022
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WordPress may be capable, but it's set in its ways and behind the times. With Webflow, you gain genuine ownership of your content. Migrating to Webflow democratizes design, content management, and branding. It lets anyone create visual themes that unify their brand presence without ever having to deal with plugins that might weigh their digital presence down – or leave them exposed to hacks. Here are a few things to consider when migrating from WordPress to the Webflow site: what to consider.

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From Wordpress to Webflow
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Want to build a website that works no matter what? Feel like creating a presence that evolves with your brand, services, and audiences? WordPress may have done the trick years ago, but in 2022 you might want to consider other options.

Webflow is the modern alternative of choice, and it offers the ultimate creative freedom. Why migrate from WordPress to Webflow, and how can you transition efficiently? Here are a few things to consider.

The Perils of WordPress

For historical reasons, WordPress has been the web design standard for decades. The only problem is that digital content management has evolved since the early days when there was only one viable option.

WordPress may be capable, but it's set in its ways and behind the times. Maintaining your site can be extremely tough, particularly when you want to offer extras: Although WordPress plugins and themes let you add countless bells and whistles, they aren't exactly set-it-and-forget solutions. For starters, you'll have to spend time updating, maintaining, and securing your site.

You'll also need to find a host that can keep your visitors and users safe.

Want to implement SEO effectively with a WordPress website? You'd better be good at managing stress. No matter how many plugins you install, keeping a WordPress site in the public eye is effectively a full-time undertaking, and it's all too easy to make mistakes that might upset your ranking. Even updates that should be simple, like switching out images and publishing new blog posts, can become highly involved when you inevitably run into compatibility issues.

Set Your Digital Presence Free

Webflow lets you do everything you can with WordPress, minus the growing pains. You never have to update because it creates standards-compliant code – You heard right, Webflow generates the code for you, so when you want to make changes, it's as easy as dragging and dropping components and visual elements.

Migrating to Webflow democratizes design, content management, and branding. It lets anyone create visual themes that unify their brand presence without ever having to deal with plugins that might weigh their digital presence down – or leave them exposed to hacks.

It's easy to build a website, but surviving until the launch party isn't good enough. With Webflow, you gain genuine ownership of your content: You can instantly dive deeply into the resulting product, making it infinitely simpler to tweak, grow, and improve.

What to Consider When Migrating

  1. Migrating WordPress content to Webflow

With Webflow, you can migrate content in just a few steps. The WP CSV plugin exports all of your material with photos. You can convert 100 blog entries to Webflow in about half an hour. We now have the same material on WordPress and Webflow. For the following phase, we needed to make sure no material was lost during transfer.

  1. Prevent search engines from indexing your site:

To prevent being punished for duplicating material, you can prevent search engines from indexing certain pages. Webflow provides a feature to ‘noindex' all pages so that pages and their content are not crawled by search engines.

  1. Send all the traffic to the old URLs of your site.

In order to avoid losing precious search ranking from googles or breaking current backlinks, ensure that your old URL’s redirect to the appropriate new ones. Easy enough to do in Webflow in the project settings. You can also use a tool like SEMrush to see if there were any broken URLs.

It was vital to maintain the WordPress site running until the conversion was complete. After testing things like blog performance, design consistency, and other usual tests, you can eventually go live and post it on Webflow once you feel comfortable that you’ve worked out any bugs.

Migrating Works Better With a Helping Hand

Migrating from WordPress to Webflow may ultimately simplify your life, but you'll need some expertise to make the journey successful.

Regardless of whether you simply want to duplicate your old content in a more flexible new environment or completely refresh your presence, it pays to have a guide that can take you through the process. As with any major undertaking, jumping into a site redesign without doing the proper planning can result in less-than-favorable outcomes – which is unacceptable when you've got clients and stakeholders depending on you.

You should look for expertise that can effortlessly get moving in the right direction and keep things on track until you reach the finish line. In addition to walking you through everything involved in planning a rebranding, UX overhaul, or comprehensive feature revamp, while keeping you informed along the way. It’s important to stay updated at every critical milestone, so you retain unparalleled control over where your new digital footprint is heading.

Build a Happier, More Maintainable Digital Footprint Today

With Webflow, you gain the power to build responsive, mobile-ready, richly featured sites that adapt to your needs instead of having to bend over backward to manage your CMS. Working with an Agency that helps you surmount the migration hurdle by freeing you to put your web presence to good use. Stop struggling to accomplish the bare minimum online: Build a site that works without the headaches by reaching out to a reputable agency that knows the in’s and out’s of each platform.