Get Ready to Reopen Your Business with Social Distancing Stickersby@no profile

Get Ready to Reopen Your Business with Social Distancing Stickers

by profileremovedMay 29th, 2020
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Vancouver-based Jukebox Print has recently added social distancing floor stickers to their line of high-quality custom printed products at affordable prices. Floor stickers can be applied to a variety of floors (including commercial use carpet), they can be used inside or outside any type of business to help regulate long lines and encourage proper distancing practices. A floor sticker can also serve as a simple and efficient way to direct traffic or provide assistance, guiding shoppers where to stand in line or indicating which direction to travel down a grocery store aisle.

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The world as we know it has changed over the last couple of months. The far-reaching effects of Covid-19 have impacted all areas of daily life and, as we prepare to slowly reopen the economy, nimble small business owners are making the necessary adjustments to adapt their businesses.

Practicing social distancing is a challenge none of us were prepared for but a popular measure to aid in its enforcement, quickly adopted by many businesses, is floor stickers. Vancouver-based Jukebox Print has recently added social distancing floor stickers to their line of high-quality custom printed products at affordable prices. Here, they share with us why floor stickers are an important tool during these unprecedented times.

Client and Staff Safety Comes First

Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry has urged British Columbians to avoid being in close proximity to others, maintaining at least two meters between individuals in an effort to help slow the spread of Covid-19. As we prepare to enter the next stage in reopening our economy, it is now more important than ever that we show our commitment to our clients’ safety.

Quick and Easy to Implement

Floor stickers are not only quick to design and print and easy to install, they are also an effective approach to remind customers that a small change on their part can make a big impact on the health and safety of their community. As stickers can be applied to a variety of floors (including commercial use carpet), they can be used inside or outside any type of business to help regulate long lines and encourage proper distancing practices.

Information at a Glance

A floor sticker can also serve as a simple and efficient way to direct traffic or provide assistance, guiding shoppers where to stand in line or indicating which direction to travel down a grocery store aisle.

Durable for Months to Come

Made of robust vinyl with scratch-resistant ink, floor stickers can withstand high traffic as well as most weather conditions when used outside. And when you need to remove them, they leave no residue on the surface.

It is at times like these that small business owners can show support for their community. Implementing these small preventive measures will reassure your customers that you are acting responsibly and taking every precaution to safeguard their well-being.

Reconnect with the Family

One of the ways you can deal with a change to your normal schedule is by reconnecting with your family. Engage your kids and your other family members in discussions. Find out what is going on in their lives. You can even go through old family videos and photos together as a family. By the time the social distancing measures are lifted, your family bonds will be stronger than before.

Stockpiling and Price Gauging is More Prevalent

As the coronavirus has spread, one of the effects has been an increase in the stockpiling of essential supplies. Pictures of empty aisles have been shared all over social media. In some cases, sellers have hiked the prices of some supplies such as masks and toiletries. Sometimes, the price of essential items has gone up by as much as 100% as unscrupulous businessmen trying to cash in on the outbreak. Price hiking has been condemned across the board and some measures have been taken to prevent it. However, with hoarding still going on, it is difficult to prevent it especially in free-market economies. People have been able to find alternatives places to sell their supplies such as the dark web since the demand is still there.

Increased Awareness of Climate Change

As COVID19 self-isolation measures have come into force, more people have noticed clearer skies. Besides that, the air in their lungs feels cleaner. It has helped to raise awareness on climate change as people begin to realize how polluted the world was before the outbreak. It is unlikely that they will be willing to go back to the way things were once the virus has been brought under control.

Why Social Distancing Matters

Social distancing is an action taken by the officials from the public health sector to prevent or slow down the spread of a communicable disease. The measures are usually enforced when an illness has no known cure or its spread could cause serious negative effects on the health of the general population. The social distancing measures are usually enforced in public areas where members of society gather.

These measures ensure that the germs responsible for the illness do not spread and infect the whole population at once. Otherwise, the medical system would be overwhelmed and deaths unrelated to the illness itself would occur. In most cases, the measures include ensuring people stay far away from each other as well as limiting how many people can gather at a single location.