My Journey to Building New Habits in my 20'sby@heydrdev

My Journey to Building New Habits in my 20's

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Too Long; Didn't Read

Today is July 1 2022 and I am 19 right now. Why did I mention my age? Because in 6 months I am going to enter in my 20's. This actually scares me because I have read a lot about what the experiences of people in their 20's. Like, What you should do in your 20's? What you should not do in your 20's? Habits you should build in your 20's? and etc. etc... and I have no such habits so far.

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Today is July 1 2022 and I am 19 right now. Why did I mention my age? Because in 6 months I am going to enter in my 20's. This actually scares me because I have read a lot about what the experiences of people in their 20's. Like, What you should do in your 20's? What you should not do in your 20's? Habits you should build in your 20's? and etc. etc... and I have no such habits so far.

I just started reading the book Atomic Habits by James Clear and I am very luck that I started with this book. I want to be a reader, it's not because I personally liked it in the beginning (around in my 6th standard). But I have seen many examples of successful people in different professions who have reading habits and this is one of the reasons that helped them to be what they are now.

After reading half the book, I literally build one habit i.e. brushing in the night (obviously not only in the night 🤣, morning as well). So, now I have something to share and which I am proud of too.

Here you can see, that I am not consistent at everything, but this color full graph really motivates me. (I am tracking my habit on google sheets right now, but I am planning to move it to Notion.)

Why am I creating a new series?

Reason 1: After knowing the power of consistency, I want to build two more habits, and want to track and share them with you guys. The two new habits are Reading and Writing. I will explain in the future why I choose only these two. But to quickly get an idea.. read this 👇.

Reason 2: I am not good at consistency. I want to try everything that fulfills my intellectually desire but now I think my mind is behaving like a monkey 🐵. It switches to another interesting thing very quickly. Also, I did write one article (MakeMeFamous🤩.md) thinking that I will continue it consistently, but I failed (again I will explain to you in the future why I failed.)

What will these series contain?

I usually came across many creative and insightful things that I want to share and store. So this series will contain the best of the content that I consume over the internet, for example:

  • What did I read this week?
  • Best 3 tweets?
  • Of course my weekly habits status.

And I will share all these things weekly. Hoping that this will help me to build my Reading and Writing Habits.

Since this is my first release, I know this may seem that it is on not well organized as I am just randomly putting what is coming into my mind and not overthinking about writing format. So apologies in advance.

What's for this week?

⭐ Best Three Tweetse

⚡ What am I reading this week?

Atomic Habit by James Clear. Right now I am at THE 4TH LAW: Make it Satisfying

🎯 My target for this Month

Question of the Week ❓

Participate in the poll, it will hardly take 6 sec. Click here 👇

Thanks a lot for reading so far. 🤗

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