An App for Tracking Gas Fee and Save Your Moneyby@pradeepb28

An App for Tracking Gas Fee and Save Your Money

by DeepuApril 8th, 2022
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ETH Gas Alert - Save money by being notified of the gas fee that best suits your needs. The app is free to download as a part of the launch day of the app. It aims to predict the “best time” to make a transaction on the ETH blockchain using the ETH gas fee. It is free and available to download from the company's website, and the app is available on the Mac App Store for iOS and Mac users only. The ETH gas alert app was created by Pradeepepb28, who has been working on the project for two years.

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Like many of them, I wasted a few hundred bucks on gas fees without realizing how much money I was losing.

I've been looking for the best time when the gas fee is the lowest, but it turns out it is unpredictable due to its high volatility, so I've been looking for solutions where if I set a gas fee (that I am comfortable paying), that app should notify me, but unfortunately all the existing solutions are either email reminders or phone reminders, which doesn't fit my workflow who works on desktop all the time. So I decided to take my shot by creating my own Mac app that alerts me when the gas fee is low on the desktop.

ETH Gas Alert - Save money by being notified of the gas fee that best suits your needs.

v1 focuses on reminders

v2 focuses on predict “best time” to make a transaction on ETH blockchain

Today is a launch day and as a part of it the app is free to download

You can follow my journey here