A Dive into Education Tech Trends: Embracing Innovations to Get Smarterby@reputio
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A Dive into Education Tech Trends: Embracing Innovations to Get Smarter

by ReputioMay 3rd, 2021
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The ongoing challenges in the social, economic, and technology fields that have rapidly evolved over the last months are hard to miss. Education and study processes have also experienced immense changes, with new solutions able to help transform them significantly. We welcome you to explore the latest trends that can redefine education, educational establishments and study approaches. The path to successful transformation in any field lies through an ongoing shift to an all-digital society is accelerated by COVID-19, with humanity to accept the benefits of remote work and education sooner than later.

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The ongoing challenges in the social, economic, and technology fields that have rapidly evolved over the last months are hard to miss. In a reality where almost the whole world has shifted to remote work, save for essential frontline workers, the demand for better technical solutions skyrocketed.

Still, the show must go on, and people continue to work and live in our fast-changing reality. Education and study processes have also experienced immense changes, with new solutions able to help transform them significantly. We welcome you to explore the latest trends that can redefine education, educational establishments and study approaches.

Blockchain finds new use cases

The DLT or blockchain is a buzzword that doesn’t need a detailed explanation as this technology is steadily moving towards mainstream acceptance. That said, blockchain is the underlying layer for Bitcoin and other digital assets, and is now being used in many industries to disrupt and enhance various processes, as well as store and transmit data in a distributed, totally secure and more efficient way.

The world’s leading universities and educational facilities have opened new learning programs and blockchain courses, with many institutions globally now offering blockchain degrees. The technology itself is being used for student data storage and making that data resistant to hacking. Another important use case here is the availability of improved authenticity that can make cheating virtually impossible to pull off, thus making it a thing of the past.

AR/VR adds a new flavor to the learning process

Immersive technologies such as Augmented and Virtual Reality are becoming ever more widespread. Total AR/VR spend is projected to reach $18.8 billion in 2020 and this market is expected to expand significantly over the next few years. This exciting development is suitable for many industries, but due to its ability to increase the visibility of information significantly, it has considerable potential for education. Some already use it in classrooms to make routine lessons more informative and memorable, given the immersion it delivers.

Speaking of cost, AR is much more accessible now as it only requires a mobile phone or a tablet, while VR is quite a different thing - a continually improving, yet, costly technology, that usually requires sophisticated gear such as headsets, handheld controllers, and a powerful PC. Moreover, AR is more suitable here as it can be a better way to share and teach knowledge in many disciplines while also providing better in-campus orientation for students through a handheld device those students already own and have long since mastered.

Internet Of Things makes life on campus more comfortable

The IoT sector is spreading worldwide and will definitely see more demand from educational facilities. Over the next five years, the total data volume of connected IoT devices globally is forecast to reach an incredible 79.4 zettabytes!

As the number of gadgets and devices grows at an astonishing rate, IoT will help to automate so many processes with an ever-growing range of smart devices: from smart lighting systems set across the campus to smart informational kiosks, tracking vehicles, and foot traffic to optimize load and using smart electricity grids.

IoT-based security solutions, including remote monitoring and biometric-based authentication, can be implemented too, and there are yet still IoT-based solutions we haven’t even thought of yet but which will soon become commonplace as this sector evolves at an ever-faster pace.

AI & Chatbots make the educational experience smoother

Artificial Intelligence is currently driving modern global digital transformation to new levels of sophistication and maturity, and institutions are following the trend. AI perfectly describes a set of technologies that enable the creation of intelligent software or hardware such as machine learning, computer vision, NLP, and more. Nowadays, the  global AI software market  is experiencing huge growth, reaching a forecast size of  22.6 billion U.S. dollars.

AI proves to be an irreplaceable assistant when it comes to next-gen learning systems and new learning tools, which not only provide answers to students but provide them with clear explanations and step-by-step guides in text, audio, video, AR and VR formats. Such a learning approach will increase students' efficiency, as they can learn anywhere and at any time.

Chatbots are little digital helpers that have experienced a huge boom and nowadays help to answer questions in many fields - from healthcare and tourism to education and plenty more in between. The widespread implementation of this technology in universities globally can help to handle quick basic questions that students usually have, thus reducing staff workload.

During last year’s survey, it was estimated that 3.25 billion digital voice assistants are now used in different gadgets around the world. Due to this forecast, this number will be higher than the planet's population as it's projected to reach around eight billion units by 2023!

Embracing the pace of changes

The path to successful transformation in any field lies through mistakes and challenges. The ongoing shift to an all-digital society is imminent, accelerated by COVID-19, with humanity to sooner or later accept the benefits of remote work and education. Despite old habits and well-known comfortable approaches that die-hard in the wake of something new and better, the outcome and convenience of digital living is well worth it, with its benefits to remain intertwined with our “offline” lives more deeply than ever.

Today, as schools are shut, and everything - including studying and teaching, transforms into an ever better online reality, the private tutoring platforms tripled demand on tutoring hours and has recently raised $10M. A number of educational services are unique, “new school” university edtech startups with exceptional success during COVID-19, and are working together with reputable universities around the world to create the new standard in digital universities.

Although online learning has been a reality for rural and regional students for years, if not decades, while online university courses have boomed over the last decade, the COVID-19 crisis has accelerated things to a whole new level, making online education safer, more affordable and more efficient than ever, while highlighting the incredible world of apps that is instrumental in making online learning the best place to be.

Cutting-edge mobile apps improve the education experience

The digital age makes it possible to put a huge amount of data into a single gadget, and even more so when that gadget is connected to the cloud, as most are today. Technology has made it possible to get rid of outdated physical, educational books, and materials, paving the way to continuously updating digital textbooks. Some apps combine all the benefits available today for smooth interaction with the educational process.

Today’s learning trends indicate that students are now using online tutoring platforms more than ever before. Researchers suggest that remote learning increases retention of information while taking less time - especially important in a world where the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the study process forevermore.

Indeed, during challenging times, remote education is expected to remain a very prospective direction for VC investors. By 2020, 14 EdTech companies had a valuation of over $1 billion. In India alone, 14 Edtech startups raised US $500 million of funding!

For example, since 1948, over 100 million English language learners have used the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, the world's bestselling advanced-level dictionary, to develop their English skills for work and study. In 2020, it has been totally redefined by a digital app.

Developed in cooperation with Paragon Software Group, with the 10th edition now available, it is filled with exciting new content and interactive features, including the new Oxford 3000™ and Oxford 5000™ word lists providing core words that every learner needs to know.