Why Should You Hire Full-Stack Developers for Your Project? by@optymize
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Why Should You Hire Full-Stack Developers for Your Project?

by OptymizeApril 20th, 2023
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Full stack developers are experts in using front-end languages such as HTML, and JavaScript and backend languages like Python, Ruby, PHP. Full stack developers work in practically every arena of the software development lifecycle. Companies hire full stack developers as they offer many fascinating perks, including their diverse knowledge and time for various projects.
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Having a good app or website idea is easy. Finding and hiring full-stack developers who can make this idea a reality is hard. You need to plan the app development process, technical and nontechnical needs, roles for developers, and how many professionals to hire for each role.

But why should you hire full-stack developers for the project? What advantages do they have compared to other software engineers? This article will guide you on full-stack development and talk about the importance of full-stack developers. Let’s start.

What Does Full Stack Development Mean?

The term “full-stack” means building a whole application. It includes designing and developing both the front-end and back-end components.

Full stack developers are experts in using front-end languages such as HTML, JavaScript, and backend languages such as Python, Ruby, PHP, etc., and integrating them to build an interactive and robust application.

The front end (or client-side) includes the components a user sees and interacts with, such as a website’s home page or an online form. To make it interactive, the logic is built in the ‘backend’ that includes databases, servers, and APIs to connect with the front end.

Take the example of a social media app. Users share their pictures, edit profiles, send and receive messages, share and comment on different posts, and many other things.

All such operations require both the front-end interface(UI) and back-end business logic. If you need to build a whole functioning app, you need to hire full-stack developers who understand these technologies.

A full-stack developer is an expert with a broad knowledge of many development technologies. They can easily don a lot of hats, and you can hire full-stack developers for a variety of job roles.

Some of the important arenas full-stack development work in are-

  • Front-end Development
  • Back-end Development
  • Database Handling
  • Web Servers and APIs
  • Basic Designing Fundamentals
  • Version Control

Duties and Skills to Hire Full-Stack Developers

Companies hire full-stack developers as they offer many fascinating perks, including their diverse knowledge and time for various projects.

As a master of all development crafts, a full stack developer should constantly update their technical skills and have a learning desire for new programming languages and development methodologies.

You can hire full-stack developers to perform these duties:

  • Create and Develop frontend and backend architecture

  • Write APIs

  • Maintain and develop databases

  • Test apps to ensure efficiency

  • Debug and upgrade apps and software

  • Build security for data protection

  • Technical documentation

  • Develop application workflows

  • Build application logic

  • Build integration interfaces

Apart from it, full-stack developers should also take care of non-functional needs, such as security, client handling, scalability, and dependability. As you can see, full-stack developers work in practically every area of the software development lifecycle.

That is why companies’ requirements to hire full-stack developers are quite high.

The Technical Skills List Should Include:

  • Front-end languages and frameworks: CSS3, HTML5, JavaScript, AngularJS, and React.
  • Third-party libraries: Angular, jQuery, and ReactJS.
  • Back-end languages and framework: Python, Ruby, PHP, .Net, etc.
  • Database frameworks: MongoDB, MySQL, Oracle, Postgre SQL, or SQL Server.
  • Knowledge of prototyping and UI /UX design.
  • Knowledge of writing unit tests, and using automated testing tools.

Besides this list, a skilled full-stack developer for hire should have strong communication skills, management skills, attention to detail, and analytical thinking. Due to work, you need to hire full-stack developers with practical knowledge of a wide range of tools.

Some important tools such as Visual Studio Code, Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Postman, and GitBash are used for a range of functions such as deployment, API testing, source control management, and many more. They make the code management process easier.

Hiring Full-Stack Developers vs. Specialized Developers

Developers specializing in both the client side and the server side are known as full-stack developers. On the other hand, specialized developers are experts in just one field or one technology, either the front-end or the back-end.

When deciding whether to hire full-stack developers or specialized developers, you should consider your project requirements, job role, budget, and resource possibilities.

Full Stack Developer

Specialized Developer

Flexibility, adaptation, and Cost-effective

High-quality work but Expensive

Wide range of skills

Up-to-date tech knowledge

Better for small projects and startups

Better for large-scale projects

Not very affluent in a specific technology

High cost- High dependency

Hiring specialized developers is usually the best option if you are considering high-quality work without thinking about the budget. Experience, job role, location, and other factors affect their hourly rate, but specialized developers are generally more expensive than full-stack developers.

You can hire full-stack developers if you can let go of some quality but want a better, more effective, and inexpensive procedure. A worthy choice for startups and young companies.

Why You Should Hire Full-Stack Developers

Every company or startup wants to expand its online presence to stay relevant in the market, stay close to its customers, and grow its reputation. As a result, the need to hire full-stack developers has increased.

Every application needs both front-end development and backend support along with CMS systems to operate. Their development and management are fulfilled by full-stack developers.

Since every major industry wants an online presence, the demand is rising every year. Let’s look at some major benefits to hire full stack developers:

1. High Demand

Full-stack developers, as we discussed, are in high demand. It is because they work on all three stages of the development process - Logic, display, and database.

Employers hire full-stack developers as their multi-skilled persona and ability to work on a wide range of projects help companies to keep up with the market and customer needs.

They are more trustable than specialized developers as they can easily adapt to any field.

2. Can Speed Up the Testing Process

Since a full stack developer knows both the front-end and back-end, there are no fallacies during implementing and integrating code.

Full-stack developers can deal with any programming problem during the project’s development and can comprehend the underlying logic behind the issue and fix it.

3. Increase Development Pace

Having full-stack developers means the project will need fewer developers. Working with fewer developers can simplify the development process, avoid miscommunication, help bring more ideas, and have fewer hiccups in management.

4. Improve the Project Scalability

Scalability is a crucial factor for organizations to grow their business, manage high traffic and load, and give optimal app performance. You can hire full-stack developers to build a robust and adaptable architecture to help increase scalability.

They can also add new features to the app as per the market demand.

5. Creative Flexibility

Full stack developers are more creative and experiment as they are well-versed in a variety of development tech and love to hone their skills. It increases their flexibility and control of the project.

6. Budget Friendly

Companies hire full-stack developers as they help save money on operating costs. They can perform the work of two-three typical programmers thanks to their versatility and knowledge.

Startups trying to lower their development cost can save expenses on full-stack developers. They provide great value for money.

7. Increased Productivity

Full-stack developers are familiar with numerous technologies and techniques whether it is adding graphics on a home page or building a database. They have the required tools and frameworks to perform any function needed in web development.

They can easily see the big picture and make technical decisions quickly.


Full-stack developers have a wide set of knowledge that they utilize to build a variety of applications and websites. Startups and young companies can amass a lot of benefits if they hire full-stack developers for their MVPs and products.

I hope this article helped you in bringing some benefits of full-stack developers for hire.