11 Business Ideas That Could Become a Reality With ChatGPTby@techtweeter
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11 Business Ideas That Could Become a Reality With ChatGPT

by #TechTweeterDecember 8th, 2022
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Founder of Makerpad, Ben Tossell, goes over potential business ideas that could come true with ChatGPT.

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This Twitter thread is by Ben Tossell @BenTossell (Source: 12-02-2022). They state that they are the founder of Makerpad.

11 business ideas you could build on ChatGPT:

1/ “Tutors of old”

Kings and royalty would hire tutors for their children… experts at specific subjects.

The children could ask any question they were curious about and receive in-depth learning on a variety of subjects.

Idea: An AI that functions the same way.

2/ Have any software idea and have the AI write the code for you.

3/ Have AI write music for musicians.

4/ AI powered virtual assistant

“Draft an email to X. Look at my calendar and tell them why I can’t make it”.

“For how many hours do I have scheduled meetings this week?” “

Can you send X a friendly text asking if he’ll make our meeting today?”

5/ Your personal coding companion.

Has a name, characteristics (sarcastic, funny, etc.).

You can ask any questions and he/she will give you an accurate answer.

Pull your friend up on a website (or Chrome extension) every time you code.

6/ AI friend/partner

Already exists (replika) but the latest models would make it way better.

7/ AI therapist

An AI programmed to respond to questions/phrases in ways that scientifically improve human emotion and behavior.

8/ Be one of the first authors to write a best-selling book / blockbuster movie script with AI

Prompt the outline.

Make more specific prompts for every chapter.

Summarize simply to make sure everything makes sense.

9/ Teach you any skill step by step

Breaks down complex skills into bite-sized concepts then teaches you step-by-step.

10/ Chatbot for any industry, company, etc.

Nearly as good as humans, in some cases, better.

Every website could use one.

11/ Subscription for 24/7 Doctor Responses

Text your doctor any medical question and get a response within minutes. Obviously the AI would need to have parameters so the Dr. doesn’t get sued.

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