Top 10 Software Consulting Company based on Clutch & Goodfirms Reviewsby@hackernoon-archives
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Top 10 Software Consulting Company based on Clutch & Goodfirms Reviews

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The Software Development industry has been <a href="">growing at a rate of 10.8%</a> over the past 5 years. With such a rapid progress comes a need for enterprises and SMEs to adapt to the evolving technologies. This need has become more prominent due to the introduction of new technologies such as Blockchain, AR/VR and&nbsp;IoT.

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蓮沼 貴裕(Takahiro Hasunuma) HackerNoon profile picture

The Software Development industry has been growing at a rate of 10.8% over the past 5 years. With such a rapid progress comes a need for enterprises and SMEs to adapt to the evolving technologies. This need has become more prominent due to the introduction of new technologies such as Blockchain, AR/VR and IoT.

With complexities in software technologies multiplying with each day, choosing the right offshore software development company can be a tough task for businesses requiring software consulting support. So if you’re an entrepreneur looking to work with the best IT consulting firm, then reading this list should be the first thing you do. This list has been created after a thorough research based on the following parameters:

  1. Google Search Analysis
  2. Analyzing reviews of companies on and Goodfirms
  3. Contact with the company’s clients for verifying customer satisfaction levels.
  4. Current Portfolio and work history of the company
  5. The balance between Value for Money and Quality of Solutions offered.

Choosing the right software consulting company is paramount for SMEs to stand head-to-head with the competition. So having a look through this list of few of the best technology consulting companies will give you a greater clarity, and help you make a better choice.

1. PixelCrayons: An Indian software consulting firm

PixelCrayons is a 14-year old offshore software development company with a highly skilled team of developers under its belt. With over 4,800+ satisfied clients and services spanning across 38+ countries, the company enjoys a 97% client retention rate and consults large enterprises and SMEs on problems faced in Software Development, and aids firms involved in a strategic IT Transformation.

PixelCrayons offers IT consulting in the following technologies and services:

Front-end Web development, Web app development, Mobile app development, Blockchain Development, AR/VR Development, E-Commerce Development, ChatBot Development, Machine Learning.

2. Octal Software: A software consulting firm for large-scale projects

Octal IT solutions is an end-to-end IT Consulting firm. Established in the year 2007, the company’s IT consulting services consistently work on keeping its clients up-to-date with relevant information with the support of its in-house consulting experts. In addition to technology consulting, the company has also developed over 1,100 mobile and 700+ web apps.

Octal IT Solutions offer IT consulting in the following technological domains:

Custom Software Development, Software re-engineering services, software management services, Software maintenance services, Business Intelligence, SaaS Software Development, ERP/CRM Software Development, Middleware Software Development, Data Visualization and analytics, Enterprise Mobility solutions.

3. iFlexion: A US-based software consulting company

With over 500 clients including startups and fortune 500 enterprises, the 400+ expert professionals at iFlexion have been delivering technology consulting services for nearly two decades. The Software Consulting firm has a key expertise in AI consulting and Business Intelligence Consulting. Established in 1998. iFlexion currently has clients and partners in over 30 countries.

iFlexion offers IT consulting and solutions in the following technological domains:

AI Development, Business Intelligence Consulting, AR Development, IoT solutions

4. Finoit: Software consulting company with offices in India and USA

Finoit Technologies is one of the most recently established IT Consulting firms in this list. However, even in its comparatively low 8 years of experience, it has managed to get on par with all other technology consulting companies listed here. Established in 2010, Finoit has delivered Software solutions to over 250 clients located in the regions of North America, Europe, and Australia.

Finoit offers IT consulting services in the following technological domains:

Web Development, Mobile App development, IoT development, Business Strategy Consulting.

5. Specific Group: Software consulting company based in the USA

The Specific Group is a technology consulting company which specializes in Custom Software Development and delivery of projects through its dedicated development teams.

Founded in 1998, this IT Consulting firm has acquired plenty of expertise in its software development processes. It has employed over 200 consultants over the years for its software consulting services.

Specific Group offers IT Consulting Services in the following technological domains:

Custom Software Development, Mobile App Development, Application development, IT Staffing.

6. ValueCoders: An Indian software consulting firm

Since its inception in 2004, ValueCoders has been delivering technology consulting services to over 2,500 clients located across multiple continents. It has completed over 4200 projects in 13 years of its experience. The company employs a staff of over 450 employees to cater to its clients ranging from Startups to Digital Agencies, Enterprises, and Governments.

ValueCoders offers IT consulting services in the following Technological domains:

Application Development, Software Product Development, Business IT Strategy.

7. Brainvire: A software consulting firm headquartered in Utah, USA

Brainvire is an IT Consulting firm and outsourcing company established in the year 2000. The company’s USP is its focus on creating Digital Transformation in Startups and enterprises. The clientele of Brainvire includes new startups as well as a few fortune 500 companies.

Brainvire offers IT consulting services in the following Technological domains:

ECommerce Development, Digital Marketing Consulting, Mobile App development, Enterprise Services.

8. iTransition: A software consulting company with locations in USA & UK

iTransition is an offshore software development and software consulting company with more than 16 years of experience under its belt. Its services cater to clients spread across 30 countries. Through coordination and support of its 1500 employees, this technology consulting company believes in delivering solutions through the use of data mining and analytics tools combined with expert knowledge in the field of Software Development.

iTransition offers IT consulting services in the following technological domains:

Software Product Engineering, Application Development, IT Strategy Consulting, QA & Testing.

9. Hidden Brains: Software Consulting provider in India

Hidden Brains Infotech is a web & mobile app development company which delivers end-to-end services in IT consulting & Web and Mobile app development. The company has successfully delivered over 5,000 web apps and 1,000+ mobile apps for clients spread across 102 countries. A key USP which gives Hidden Brains a place in this list is its talented team of consultants providing technology consulting in the newest trends in Software Development.

Hidden Brains offers IT consulting services in the following technological domains:

IoT development, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain Development, Cloud Strategy and Consulting, ChatBot development.

10. Fingent Consulting: A New York-based software consulting firm

Fingent Consulting has a highly active base of clients spread across 4 continents. With over 230 talented professionals in its development and consulting teams, Fingent Consulting makes itself different from other IT consulting firms through its easy and approachable mode of providing solutions. With a motto of increasing productivity and profits simultaneously for its clients, this technology consulting company has worked with several large and mid-size enterprises covering over 20 industries.

Fingent Consulting offers IT consulting services in the following technological domains:

Enterprise Software Development, Digital Transformation, Mechanical Point Solutions


These 10 companies matched up to all my research parameters, and as per all the information I’ve shared, you’ll never make a mistake by relying on any of these top software consulting companies. What makes these onshore and offshore software development companies the best in technology consulting is that they offer the perfect balance between quality of service and efficiency in its delivery in addition to having a satisfied clientele and rave reviews.

This list isn’t a one-off by any means. I’ll keep updating it from time-to-time as new names and companies pop up in the software consulting and development industry. However, if you have any companies suitable for adding to this list, do let me know and I’ll scrutinize it according to the research parameters and make the decision accordingly.