Search Engine Optimization: Link Building Myths and Realityby@Mykyta
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Search Engine Optimization: Link Building Myths and Reality

by ClaudeApril 24th, 2020
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What is Link Building?

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What is Link Building?

Link building is about the marketing efforts to get links from other websites to your website. Being a compulsory side of search engine optimization it’s seen as one of the most powerful tools to achieve higher rankings for your site in search engines. If a lot of high-quality links lead to a certain page, search engines will consider it a popular or meaningful article, and, therefore, they’ll rank it higher.

Link-building is a noisy atmosphere. Plenty of remarks and completely free pieces of advice free of the foundation are chocking the internet. Looking at the link-building truths, we discover a ground with cluttered directions and ideas that can bite, scratch, and eat your website living.

There is not any such thing as pure monochrome. But when it comes to link building, you've got to choose sides: snowy - or black hat link building. And here comes the threat contradicting information out there. It is simple to feel that you are on kaboom -- and the side employing this technique or this! The Google penalty strikes you.

SEO is All About Backlinks

One of the biggest backlinking myths is that SEO is all about these links. There is so much more to SEO than just creating backlinks; they are simply one component of this strategy. There are more essential things to focus on if you want to create a website that will rank well in Google. These include the following:

  • Technical SEO: A process of optimizing your website for the crawling and indexing stage. During this process, search engines will access, crawl, interpret, and index your site without complications.
  • On-Page SEO: On-page SEO is the method of optimizing web pages of your website to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic from search engines. On-page SEO relates to both the content and HTML source code of a page that can be optimized.
  • Off-Page SEO: Off-Page SEO is related to techniques you can use to improve a website’s position on SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). Simply put, Off-Page SEO is the method of promoting your website to rank higher on a search results page

Lots of Backlinks Means Good

You can easily build several backlinks, but this won’t help your website rank well if they aren’t relevant. It’s best to remove low-quality backlinks by submitting disavow in Google, which asks Google to value those particular links or domain that is posting to your website.


# Two pages to disavow
# One domain to disavow

By doing this, you can remove low-quality links, allowing your website to link better on Google SERPs.

Links From Wikipedia Guarantee Top Rank

People believe that when you get rankings from high-authority websites like Wikipedia, it will boost your website’s ranking quickly. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. Google ranks Wikipedia and other high-authority websites just like every other website does – they calculate the page ranking value of links to that website. Garry Illyes even made this statement clear!

This statement clears that Wikipedia, just like other high-ranking websites, don’t receive special treatment from Google. Instead, it works on getting internal links to achieve higher success.

High Domain Authority Compliments Good Backlinks

There are still people who think high-quality backlinks have higher domain authority, but there is no rule for this. Other metrics, such as Trust Flow and Domain Authority, help you compare your website with your competitor’s sites. It won’t help you get a good ranking on the Google SERP, nor will it affect your backlinks. Here are a few points that will help you identify a good link:

  • Contextual Anchor Text
  • Relevant Content on Link
  • High Traffic Value of the Linking Domain
  • Link Should be Valuable for Users

Image Links Are Bad for SEO

Still, another myth about link-building regards image search engine optimization. Every component of search engine optimization may seem awful when abused. For example, for instance, image search engine optimization - at which plenty of crucial words in alt descriptions to get rankings and deceive Google's system. That span is gone, but a few folks look at that image links are not awful.

The following issue that feeds this link-building myth is that the chance of reading pictures by crawlers. Several years ago, Google's robot could not go through the alt feature from an image very well to parse it, and it was better to know the HTML text.

Nofollow Links implies Zero Link Profit

A link credited using "No-follow" indicates Google never to abide by along. With a couple of popular websites deploying an automatic no trace, most of their outside links mechanism has caused it a useless metric at the search engine optimization arena. However, the facts are remote from that which sensed. The no-follow links are still out not; they nevertheless have Search Engine Optimization significance because:

  • Even if they no-follow links, they are still getting traffic that can be a key ranking factor.
  • Suspicious backlink profile can make Google overrun it with do-follow links.
  • No-follow links still can be featured down there.
  • Their existence was known to Google, i.e., there is still some links juice prevailing.

Avoid Directory Links

Paid directories are not the very best place to get backlinks. The sites which having directory links often penalized by Google. 

But the fact is there are high-quality resource directories, listings, and link lists, which won't get you penalized. There are some directories that you should wish to get listed. As an instance, consider directories which display, let us say, the very best pet stores.

Guest Posting is done by SEO Spammers only

The solution is ripe and straight. Guest Blogging/Posting continues to be a favorite tactic for building robust and authoritative backlinks. You ought to be selective about picking up the sites that accept guest articles and belongs to a relevant industry.

Few aspects for an ideal guest posting strategy:

  • Place it on a relevant website
  • Loyal, reliable and established audience for the chosen website
  • Write long-form and meaningful content that shares/add value
  • Paid links will safe your time
  • Avoid being part of a Private Blog Network (PBN)

For a guest-blogging strategy to become active, incorporate most of the above mentioned should you wish to see extraordinary results. Just take out some time, identify the many essential websites, and who knows, you might rock it using an augmented search engine visibility.


As we know that content is the king in SEO promotion. Matured and experienced specialists are sure that link building still has a great value in providing SEO ranking. High-quality links will give a chance of better ranking in SERP.

Try to check metrics with Ahrefs tool

So do not go for quantity but focus on quality links to get higher ranking in search results.

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