Steam Deck Overheating: What You Need to Knowby@janhajek
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Steam Deck Overheating: What You Need to Know

by Jan HajekNovember 10th, 2022
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The Steam Deck is a device that allows users to play games on their televisions. It is a small, square-shaped box that can be plugged into the TV. Users have been reporting that the device has been overheating and not working properly. The company has issued a statement saying that they are aware of the issue and are working on a fix. In the meantime, they advise users to take a few simple steps to help keep their devices from overheating. There are a few alternatives to the Steam Deck, including the Nintendo Switch and the Xbox Series S.

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It's been a tough few weeks for the Steam Deck. The much-loved device has been overheating and not working properly, leaving users frustrated and angry.

So, what do you need to know about the Steam Deck overheating issue? Here is everything you need to know.

What Is the Steam Deck, and What Does It Do?

The Steam Deck is a new portable gaming console released in 2022. It was created by a company called Valve Corporation.

The Steam Deck is a device that allows users to play games on their televisions. It is a small, square-shaped box that can be plugged into the TV. It allows users to play games on their televisions, connecting games from their Steam Library.

The Steam Deck also allows users to connect to Steam friends and chat with them while playing games. It is a great way to stay connected with friends who live far away.

How Does Steam Deck Overheat?

The Steam Deck overheats because it is not properly ventilated. The Steam Deck has a fan on the bottom of the device, but the fan is not strong enough to keep the device cool.

When the Steam Deck overheats, the battery inside the device can overheat and catch fire. This can cause extensive damage to your property.

How Overheating Issue Been Affecting Users

Users are unable to play their games.

"I was in the middle of playing my game when Steam Deck just turned off," said one Steam Deck user. "It was really frustrating because I was in the middle of a boss battle."

"I don't know what's going on with Steam Deck, but it's been overheating and not working properly for weeks now," said another Steam Deck user. "It's frustrating because I can't play my games."

What Are the Signs of Steam Deck Overheating?

There are several signs that your Steam Deck is overheating. If you notice any of these signs, it is important to take the necessary precautions to prevent further damage.

  • The Steam Deck feels hot to the touch.
  • The Steam Deck is making a loud noise.
  • The Steam Deck is not working properly.
  • The Steam Deck is emitting smoke.

If you notice any of these signs, it is important to turn off the Steam Deck immediately. If the Steam Deck is not turned off, it can cause extensive damage to your property.

The Company’s Response to the Issue

The company has issued a statement in response to the issue:

For our friends in the midst of a heatwave, a quick note about Steam Deck in high temperatures. Steam Deck performs at its best in ambient temperatures between 0° and 35° C. If the temperature gets higher than this, Steam Deck may start to throttle performance to protect itself.

What You Need to Do if You Own a Steam Deck

According to the company, they are aware of the issue and are working on a fix. In the meantime, they advise users to take a few simple steps to help keep their devices from overheating.

  • Make sure that the device is in a well-ventilated area and that it is not plugged into an outlet that is overloaded.

  • Try unplugging the device for a few minutes and then plugging it back in.

  • Open options → reduce screen brightness

  • Open options → advanced view - > cap FPS at 30

  • Open options → advanced view - > GPU → decrease clock speed to 1000 Mhz and lower wattage to the same value

  • If the device is still overheating, you may try contacting the company for support.

These are just a few simple steps that you can take to help keep your Steam Deck from overheating.

Alternatives to the Steam Deck

Another way to deal with this issue is to buy an alternative to the Steam Deck.

There are a few alternatives to the Steam Deck if you're looking for a portable gaming console. The Nintendo Switch is a popular choice, with a library of games that includes Mario, Zelda, and more.

The Xbox Series S is a popular choice for a gaming console, with a library of games that includes Halo, Gears of War, and more. Xbox S supports 4k 60FPS and weighs only 4.25 pounds (1.93 kg). Once Valve fix overheating issue, you can connect your Steam Deck to TV and connect your Xbox controller to the Steam Deck. So u would be able to play both Xbox and Steam games with one of the best controllers.

The PlayStation Vita is also a good option, with games like Uncharted: Golden Abyss and Persona 4 Golden. If you're looking for something a little cheaper, the 3DS XL is a good option, with games like Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Super Mario 3D Land.

Whichever console you choose, make sure to do your research before buying. Check reviews to see what other people think, and make sure to read the fine print before making a purchase. With a little bit of effort, you'll be able to find the perfect portable gaming console for your needs.


The Steam Deck is a popular device that has been prone to overheating. If the unit overheats, it can cause extensive damage to your property. It's important to be aware of the signs of an overheating Steam Deck unit and take the necessary precautions to prevent this from happening.

The Steam Deck is a great device, but the overheating issue is causing a lot of frustration for users. Hopefully, Valve Corporation can fix the issue soon.